I was recently approached by BBC Radio Northampton to talk about why people work – for the love of the job or the love of money.
For many people money is essential so they can live, buy food, pay their bills and look after their family and most do not have the luxury of being able to choose whether they work or not. In these cases in order to be fulfilled they must try and find a job that they love. If a job is laborious and they hate it, deep down they will not be happy and give their all to their employer. If someone has to work for the money alone it creates anxiety. They may live in fear of losing their job and the consequences that may occur from that. It is a sad and desperate situation. They will be miserable and the situation may consume all their life including their time off. Individuals who do, however, just work solely to earn as much money as possible may be soul less and selfish – only out for themselves and not enjoying any team spirit that may exist.
Some people work because they love their job. Volunteers, for example, are not paid, but they work because they get fulfillment from what they do. There are people who do not need to work because they have plenty of money, but they do so because it allows them to keep busy and prevents their minds stagnating. Some people who have retired say they miss their job. That is because work gives someone a purpose in life – something to get up in a morning. Going to work makes them feel good.
An interesting varied job will give someone job satisfaction, particularly if their efforts are noticed and commented on by their line manager. That will increase their self esteem and confidence.
Some people go to work for companionship and social contact. If they stayed at home they might not speak to anyone all day.
Going to work may stretch someone’s mind, allows them to use their skills and gain new experiences. Many people enjoy their profession.
Work is often an essential part of people’s lives and ideally employers should offer interesting varied work to encourage employee engagement whilst employees get fulfillment from a job well done.