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The economy is now buzzing. Unemployment is down to 7% and all around me I hear employers plans to take on new staff often with huge recruitment campaigns. After the long years of recession this is good news for everyone. However finding the right staff can be difficult but it is possible to understand how to recruit staff the easy way.
Before starting a recruitment exercise it is important to draw up a job description and person spec. The job description contains the list of duties and responsibilities and the person spec contains four types of criteria you are looking for in the ideal candidate - skills, experience, knowledge and qualifications. It is against the person spec you should be evaluating CVs and application forms.
The type of role dictates where the job should be advertised. Professional jobs can be marketed using job sites such as Totaljobs, Reed, Jobsite and Monster as well as industry magazines although the latter can be expensive. My own professional body, the CIPD, has dramatically reduced the number of jobs placed in its monthly magazine, People Management, with a dramatic shift over the years towards online advertising. Its now quick and easy to get an online job advert up and running compared to years ago where copy for a magazine had to be prepared, proofed then authorised then waiting for the publication to come out.
Undertaking recruitment advertising in house can be time consuming and may not draw in the right calibre of individual. Recruitment agencies will do all the legwork and provided you have provided them with the right criteria can source a number of excellent candidates for you to interview. You can find a recruitment consultant in either a generalist or specialists area to recruit to your role.
For non-professional jobs adverts in shop windows, newspaper lineage and advertising boards outside the premises can often work wonders as well as word of mouth. These are all cost effective mediums to draw in potential employees and find your new recruit.
For mass recruitment campaigns holding open days where mini interviews can be conducted to assess potential are often ideal. If space allows these can be held on site or external conference room.